ISIS or Ice Melts

“Today, there is no greater threat to our planet than climate change”. These are the words of President Obama roughly a week after the terror attacks that took the lives of 130 innocent people in Paris. Between September of 2014 and the evening of November 13th 2015( the date of the Paris attack) ISIS had successfully carried out over 54 successful terrorist attacks world wide. That leads us to the 30 left dead and hundreds wounded in Brussels, Belgium this morning. Although time has passed between Paris and Brussels, I doubt the rhetoric of Barrack Obama will change. I’m sure the “JV team”, the term used by the president earlier last year to describe ISIS, is still a much smaller threat in his opinion than global warming.  Mr. President, with all due respect I could not possibly disagree with you more.


Lets get some things straight about the “JV team” first. While ISIS may have been sub-varsity material in its shrouded and humble beginnings as a terror organization, it quickly and efficiently turned into the world power that has taken our television sets hostage over the last year or so. ISIS is thought to completely own roughly 30,000 square miles of land and government in the Middle East at this time. This land is controlled by a well-supplied and trained fighting militia of over 50,000 Islamic State jihadists. It is approximated that the terrorist organization of ISIS, to which these 50,000 soldiers pledge their undying allegiance, owns over 2 billion dollars in assets and creates a daily revenue of $3 million dollars in gas and oil revenue alone per day. Should we pause here to talk about how the international Panel on Climate Change estimates that global sea levels are rising by 3.2 millimeters per year? Forgive me if I don’t.


The statistics that surround ISIS are shockingly new to most people, but unfortunately the morals and thought process behind ISIS are not new at all. We have seen terror groups spread across the eastern hemisphere waging war and genocide on those that disagree with their fundamental ideologies. That group was known as the Nazi Third Reich. Now I’m not foolish enough to say The Nazis that killed millions upon millions of Jews are the equivalent to current day ISIS. But the comparison I will make is the Nazi regime in its youth and initial foundation. The problem is that Germany and the rest of the world let the Nazis expand exponentially, much like ISIS is doing now, without completely extinguishing their movement. I hate to break it to the world, but drone strikes from 50,000 feet that are landing on abandoned ISIS weapons stock holds in the middle of the arid Syrian and Iraqi deserts are not going to stop this group.


We are at war. It does not have an official name. We are not fighting an official or sanctioned state. But that has not stopped ISIS from waging jihad on the free world. They are fighting a cowardly war on false religious ideologies that they believe with an evil amount of conviction. They are driven by pure hatred of everything that we believe in as a free democracy. This army of 50,000 crazed and delirious lunatics will never surrender. They will continue to hate us and try to kill as many of us as humanly possible until their last insufferable breath. These members of ISIS have left their families, deserted their homes, and given their entire existence to their cause. This leaves no option for their surrender and if they will not surrender there is only one other possible path they allow us as the civilized world to go down. We must completely and utterly wipe them out. If we do not do this we will be waking up to mornings much like this morning for decades to come. Many more innocent people will die. ISIS already has an eager and growing next generation of religious warriors waiting in the shadows of their own adolescence. We must change the way we are fighting them because they are not about to change their strategy any time soon.


In closing, do I think Global Warming and our carbon footprint is an issue worth discussion and reform? Absolutely. Do I think it should even be mentioned in the same sentence as ISIS? Absolutely not. I’m down to start making steps to save whales. I’ll start riding my bike to the grocery store instead of driving my truck. I’m going to go buy a pair of Birkenstocks. I’ll walk out back and give the first tree I see a big bear hug. I might even start putting paper and glass items in the recycling bin instead of the regular trash can. But I will not stand by and watch more innocent people die because we want to sit around on our liberal high horse and act like we are actually fighting an effective war on ISIS. Because we are not. Not even close.


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